Monday 7 March 2011

World Book Day Meme

The book I am reading: It's usually 'books' but my bedtime reading at the moment is Bury Your Dead by Louise Penny, an engrossing crime novel set in Quebec.  I now want to read all the others that she's written.

The book I love most: This is hard, I haven't got one particular favourite, I love so many ranging from Pride and Prejudice, Jane Eyre, Middlemarch, Far from the Madding Crowd, and The Woman in White, to the novels of John Connelly.  I do however absolutely love His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman, the blend of quantum physics with theology make the sheer scope of the work truly amazing.  He actually sent me a card congratulating me on my MA (he made a speech at my presentation ceremony) which is one of my most prized possessions.

The last book I received as a gift: It was probably one I'd asked for and that David then bought for me but I can't remember what it would have been.  I prefer getting book tokens to books.  It's strange, considering I've studied literature and love reading, people never think I'll want book tokens as presents even when I tell them I do! I am very grateful that my wonderful Mum in law does buy me them :O)

The last book I gave as a gift:  The Winter Ghosts for my Mum in law.  Before that it was a copy of The Eyre Affair signed by Jasper Fforde for my friend Cath.

The nearest book on my desk:  Buddhism: Plain and Simple by Steve Hagen, and The Wonders of the Solar System by Brian Cox.

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